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Watch for these 3 building materials that can be found
Know someone planning a renovation? Let them know to watch for these 3 building materials that can be found in Victoria, BC homes (and how to handle them)!
Heritage Homes in Victoria, BC
The character homes sprawled throughout Victoria, BC are a part of the city’s charm, and history. Some of these character homes, or what we refer to as…
How does BC Assessment impact property taxes and the estimated
In our industry, BC Assessments is always a topic of conversation. Mainly about how it relates to the actual value of home prices in our area and if…
10 FAQ Questions Answered: Your Guide to Buying and Selling
Knowledge is power. There is a lot of noise out there. We are passionate about getting you the information you need to feel confident in today's market. We…
High Value Home Renovations: What’s trending in 2023
Renovating? Everyone has different preferences, of course, but keep these trends in mind if you're considering the re-sale value of your home. Love it? Leave it? Let us…
Home Buyer Protection Plan: Rescission Period in BC
The BC Home Buyer Rescission Period comes into effect January 3, 2023. This legislation was first discussed during the height of the 2021 market to offer some protection…
BC Bill 44: Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act (2022)
On Friday, November 18, David Eby was sworn in as British Columbia’s 37th Premier. He has made it clear that he will be taking measures to tackle the…
Adding Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging to Your Strata
The Province of British Columbia is aiming to make all new light-duty vehicles in BC zero-emission by 2035. A target that is shared by the federal government (A…
Spring maintenance for your home in Victoria, BC
The happy buzz of Spring is in the air– warm sunshine, cherry blossoms, and the promise of longer days and outdoor dinners. Whether you feel compelled to launch…